Saturday, October 14, 2006

Space's Introduction and The Gyro Car

My name is Dayton Spacey. My friends say that I am a space cadet and call me “Space” for short. I am originally from Providence City but now reside in a place called Satellite City wherein I attend the academy for engineering and technology education. I am in the accelerated learning program. After being recruited by Mr. Six, I left my old school and now have to commute to Satellite City by ETS (Elevated Transit System) everyday. Satellite City is a technologically advanced metropolis that was designed to run on an alternative energy source known as "Living Water". To power its transportation systems, the city also relies on other forms of energy such as solar, wind, fuel cells, etc. I am very fortunate to live in such a place because I am surrounded by technological wonders and am constantly learning new things about engineering and technology.

I like to build things and tinker with mechanical devices. My parents could not afford to buy me a lot of toys while I was growing up so my father would salvage old parts and mechanical objects from his job, such as electric tools, valves, motors, computer parts, to take apart and put back together again. He would also make me draw each part and describe what it did. This is how I developed my mechanical skills and love for machines. In Satellite City, the transportation system is very sophisticated and contains a lot of different methods of getting around, such as monorails, air powered vehicles, and magnetic levitation vehicles. One of my favorite vehicles is the gyro car.

The Gyro Car

The gyro car is a vehicle that resembles a conventional automobile but it only has two wheels. You might be wondering how a car can balance on just two wheels? Well, I used to wonder the same thing until I started to ask questions and explore gyroscopic forces to help me understand how this fascinating vehicle works. Mr. Six has been helping me design and construct my own control moment gyroscope using the design and prototype lab at the Academy. He says that I need to learn the principles of circular motion before I can fully understand how gyroscopes work.

Space's Back Story

Born in Providence City, on September 6, 1942, Dayton Spacey evinced (To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest) an early interest in science fiction, physics, technology, and mechanical engineering. Although his parents encouraged this interest in science and technology most of his teachers and fellow students considered his futuristic and innovative thinking to be “out there in space” (Hence, the nickname “Space Cadet” or “Space” for short).

Deep Beginnings

Dayton demonstrated great discipline at an early age. His knowledge of machines and mechanics did not come easy. Added to his insatiable (Impossible to satiate or satisfy) desire to learn more about the physical structure of machines and other technological devices, was Dayton’s interest in circular motion. Influenced by Mr. Six to pursue learning about the principles of circular motion, Dayton began to experiment with spinning tops and flywheels. He soon developed a deep interest in gyroscopic effects and forces, especially as it related to gyroscopes that were used to stabilize Gyro Cars. As his knowledge of circular motion advanced and progressed, he began to pursue research into how circular motion could be translated into linear motion for propulsion purposes (i.e., mechanisms to be used in terrestrial and space environments.

School Days

Dayton attended elementary school in a rather rough part of town wherein he was exposed to all the ills of society including high crime rates, murder, gangs, corruption, etc. Although entrenched in such an environment, Dayton excelled in his academic work. As he got older, he often got in trouble for being late or not paying attention in his other courses. Although he was smart, he did not care much for school. He enjoyed taking things apart and figuring how they worked. He was naturally good at building things without any formal training in the mechanical arts. His teachers recognized that he was not dumb but lacked the interest in school needed to get good grades. Because of his ability to take apart and fix things, he was elected to participate in an intervention program involving an engineering and technological approach to learning (His teachers knew he was gifted but lacked the motivation to learn seemingly abstract concepts inherent within academic disciplines). He began to see the relevance of his learning and started to excel in his core academic subjects. He often tried to fit in with the “cooler” kids but was met with unwelcoming statements about his higher-order cognitive abilities.

Meeting Mr. Six

One eventful day while taking his usual train ride across the city, he met Mr. Six, a somewhat mysterious man who was an educator at a special academy for students gifted in engineering and technology. Mr. Six inadvertently noticed Dayton tinkering with a device and was fascinated at his ability to manipulate the device (unknown as of now). Mr. Six initiated a conversation with him by inquiring about his tinkering. Mr. Six realized that Space was naturally gifted at manipulating mechanical objects but lacked the theoretical knowledge underlying technological concepts and principles. Mr. Six, being under the gun to find to new recruits for the school, invited Space to consider changing schools. Space was hesitant at the same time intrigued by the idea of attending a school wherein he could explore the types of things he wanted to explore plus be around other kids who shared the same interests as he did.

The Academy

In the fall of 1957, Dayton accepted Mr. Six’s offer and entered the Academy of Engineering for high school students in Satellite City after the disappearance of his father. At first he was reluctant to attend the academy but was convinced through a series of events in his life and was mostly inspired by his father’s desire for him to attend. “This is a chance for you to advance on what your mother and I have provided for you. You will not just be going to better yourself but you are also representing this family as well. I wish this opportunity was afforded to me when I was your age instead I had to scramble and scratch to put myself through school. This could be a free ride for you”, his father stated before his disappearance.

A Mirror of the Rite of Passage

Space’s journey duplicates the stages of the Rite of Passage. First Space faces separation from his own, familiar world. Once separated, he undergoes initiation and transformation, where the old ways of thinking and acting are altered or destroyed, opening the way to a new level of awareness, skill and freedom. After successfully meeting the challenges of the initiation, Space takes the journey's final step, the return to his world. When he does, he finds that he is more confident, perceptive, and capable, and he will discover that his community now treats him as an adult, with all of the respect, rights and privileges which that status implies.